Why Is My Phone Number Banned On Telegram?

Why Is My Phone Number Banned On Telegram?
Why Is My Phone Number Banned On Telegram?

This article explains everything on “Why is my phone phone number banned on Telegram?”

If you have received this Telegram notification saying “This phone number is banned” and you’re wondering why? 

Telegram prioritizes protecting its users’ security and making the app a safe place for everyone. 

Why did Telegram ban your account? There are several reasons why Telegram banned your account.

In this article, you will learn why your phone number is banned on Telegram and also how to recover your account

Things You Should Know

After creating an account with Telegram, you accept its privacy policy and agree not to: 

  • Use Telegram to send spam or scam users.
  • Promote violence on publicly viewable Telegram channels, bots, etc.
  • Post illegal pornographic content on publicly viewable Telegram channels, bots, etc.

What Happens When You Get Banned On Telegram?

When you get banned on Telegram, you won’t be able to send or receive messages or join channels or groups. Also, you won’t be able to access any features on Telegram until you recover your account. 

Why Is My Phone Number Banned On Telegram?

Before Telegram places a ban on your phone number, there’s a strong reason behind it. Telegram has zero tolerance if a user violates its terms of service, user agreement, and laws.

Telegram will ban accounts that violate its community guidelines by engaging in activities such as copyright infringement, sexually inappropriate content, and fraud

Below are reasons why Telegram banned your phone number: 

Violating The Terms and Services

Telegram mentioned several practices that violate its terms of service. Below are lists of terms of service violations that can cause Telegram to ban your phone number 

  • Hate speech,
  • Reported for harassment,
  • Impersonation,
  • Illegal explicit content,
  • Promoting, terrorism, violence,
  • Promoting cybercrime (phishing, spamming, or scamming users),
  • Cyber bullying.

#1 Hate Speech 

Telegram will ban your phone number if you share content that promotes violence or if your primary purpose is to incite hatred against a group of people with certain attributes, such as race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation/gender identity.

#2 Illegal Explicit Content

Sharing of content (photos, videos) that contains adult content, and encourages child pornography is no exception. Telegram will ban your account for this and you may not be able to use Telegram with the same phone number again. 

#3 Promoting cybercrime

Sending phishing and spam links to your contacts and in random groups will result in a ban. 

#4 Promoting Terrorism And Violence 

As a Telegram user, group, or channel owner, Telegram has zero tolerance for any act of terrorism and violence using your channel or group. 

Acts of terrorism will lead to a permanent ban without consideration. 

#5 Impersonation

Pretending to be someone you’re not and using it to participate in illegal activities can get Telegram to ban your phone number. 

Using someone else’s identity for fraudulent reasons also leads to a ban on your account. 

#6 Cyberbullying

Telegram will place a ban on your account if you’re an online bully. Threatening or intimidating someone can make Telegram ban your phone number.

#7 Engaging In Illegal Activity

Participating in illegal activity on Telegram will get your phone number banned. 

If you use Telegram for drug trafficking, child exploitation, sharing pirated media, impersonating someone else for fraud, or spamming strangers, Telegram will ban you.

If you fail to comply with Telegram’s terms of service, you may risk your account getting a temporary or a permanent ban and Telegram will block you from using its services. 

Also, if you’re using Telegram Premium, you might lose all premium account benefits. 

How To Recover Banned Telegram Account

If Telegram banned your account, then you have a chance to recover your account. However, the chances of getting Telegram to unban your account are very slim.

How can you contact Telegram support? You need to file an appeal with Telegram support for your banned account. 

You can contact Telegram support using these two methods. 

#1 Using Mobile App

  • Open the Telegram app on your mobile.
  • Confirm your country
  • Enter the banned phone number, confirm the number, and tap Continue.
  • You’ll get a prompt message “This phone number is banned”.
  • Tap Help to open email. 
  • You can appeal to Telegram support in the mail to recover your banned account. 

#2 Using Web Browser 

Follow the instructions below if you want to contact Telegram support and appeal for your banned account. 

  • Open a web browser
  • Go to telegram.org/support
  • On the appeal form page, describe your problem, and provide your email address and the banned phone number associated with the account. 
  • Click on the Submit button to submit your complaint.

After submitting the appeal form, Telegram support will get back to you once they receive your appeal.  


Telegram and other social media platforms are very strict when it comes to violating its community guidelines and terms of service. 

If you’re found guilty of any of the violations mentioned earlier, Telegram will ban your account. 

Multiple reports of sharing sexually inappropriate content will result in Telegram banning your account. This also applies to other policy violations. 

However, you can file an appeal to Telegram support if your account has been banned. 

FAQs on Why Is My Phone Number Banned On Telegram?

Why has Telegram banned my number?

Violating Telegram terms of service by engaging in activities such as impersonation, sexually explicit content, harassment, violence, terrorism, cybercrime, and cyberbullying will lead to Telegram banning your account.

How can I recover my banned Telegram account?

You can recover your banned account by contacting Telegram through various channels. You can recover your banned phone number if you file an appeal via the Telegram mobile app or the Telegram support official website. 

Or email them directly:

How long do Telegram bans last?

Telegram might limit your account for a few days if it’s your first time and you’re not a industrial scale scammer. However, repeated bans can make you lose your account forever

Can I use Telegram without a phone number?

Your phone number is your identity on Telegram (it’s what makes you a real person on the platform). You can use Telegram without a phone number. 

Your phone number is required when you’re creating a new account on Telegram. 


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Khael Eke

Khael Eke is an experienced writer and blogger in the field of consumer technology with 3 years of hands-on experience. He has been an editor at Techfyba.com from the outset and his focus and key interests are Android, Xiaomi products, Social Media applications, iOS and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Mike's articles will provide you with the practical solutions, knowledge and tools you need to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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