Telegram allows users to transfer their group ownership to other users when they are no longer active or concerned about the group or sell the Telegram group to another user.
If you’re a group owner and you are no longer active on Telegram as you used to, and you want to transfer ownership to another user but you don’t know how to do it.
In this article, you’ll learn how to transfer your Telegram group ownership to another person.
Things You Should Know
Before you transfer ownership on Telegram, you must:
Telegram ensures users set up two-step verification seven days before the transfer of ownership.
Follow the instructions in this guide to transfer group ownership to another user.
Once you transfer group ownership, you have given the new admin full owner rights. The new admin will also have the right to remove you as admin.
Transferring group ownership is a simple process that will only take you a few minutes to complete.
If you no longer have interest in the group you’re presiding as admin, you can transfer ownership to another user who is active on the group.
Before you transfer ownership, you need to be active 24 hours before the transfer and set up two-step verification seven (7) days prior.
The group will be dissolved if the owner does not transfer ownership to another user in the group.
The owner will need to transfer ownership rights to another user before leaving the group. So even if the owner leaves the group, the group will not be dissolved.
As per Telegram policy, ownership rights can only be transferred by the current admin of the group.
No, you can’t have two owners in a Telegram group. However, you can add admins and grant them privileges with the same roles as the owner.
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