What Does The Purple Star Mean On Twitter? [Answered]

What Does The Purple Star Mean On Twitter?
What Does The Purple Star Mean On Twitter?

In this article, you’ll find the long-awaited answer to what the purple star means on Twitter.

There have been a lot of updates and changes on Twitter recently, most of which have left users somehow confused. 

The purple star feature on Twitter has been on the app even before the multi-billionaire Elon Musk acquired the platform. But yet most users don’t know what this purple star symbolizes. 

If you’re not very familiar with the interface of Twitter and saw the purple star on your notifications tab but keep wondering what it means, don’t worry, we’ve got you. 

In this article, you’ll learn what the purple star means on Twitter and how to stop seeing it. 

What Does The Purple Star Mean On Twitter?

The purple star means recommended tweets. Purple star is accompanied by Tweets on the notifications tab. 

Twitter sends purple star notifications based on your profile interests, people you follow and not following, accounts and tweets you’ve interacted with, and posts you like, comment on, and bookmark. 

Also, you might get purple star tweets based on your locations. The places you’ve been while using the app. 

If you have been away from the app for a long time, Twitter uses the purple star-recommended tweets as a mind game to keep you using the platform as they suggest tweets that will entice you. 

This is more like a strategy to keep you updated on what you’re missing while you’ve been away. 

The sole purpose of the Twitter purple star is to suggest or recommend tweets. 

How To Stop Getting The Purple Star On Twitter?

Since the purple star on your notifications is recommended tweets Twitter thinks might interest you. 

More reason Twitter sends the purple star notifications is that you don’t use the app frequently. So, you can only reduce the purple star notifications when you start using the platform more often. 

X may recommend tweets based on your past interests and activities and the tweets will appear as notifications with a purple star.

One of the ways to stop seeing this feature each time you log in to your account is if you use Twitter more frequently.

However, the purple star may occasionally appear on the notification tab even when you frequently use the app. The purple star indicates recommended tweets you might have shown interest in. 

Furthermore, the only way to stop seeing Purple star tweets on your notifications is to disable the notification feature,  block the account on, or delete the app. 

Disable Twitter Notifications

  • Launch the Twitter app and log in to your account. 
  • Tap your Profile picture at the top of the screen. 
  • Head down and tap Settings and Support.
  • Tap Settings and Privacy.
  • Tap Notifications to select the kind of notifications you want to receive from Twitter.
  • Select Preferences
  • Tap Push notifications
  • Toggle off the push notifications to stop seeing notifications. Or scroll down to Recommendations from X and uncheck the recommendations box.

Block The Person

Another way to stop seeing purple star tweets is to block the person. You can block the account but that won’t stop recommended posts from other accounts. 

Blocking accounts won’t stop you from getting recommend notifications on the platform. 

Delete Twitter

If turning off notifications or blocking the person won’t do so, then, you can also delete or uninstall the app from your phone. 

Deleting Twitter means you won’t be able to receive any notifications or use the app. But you can also install the app back on your phone at your convenient time. 


The purple star indicates recommended posts. You might get the notifications if you’re frequently or occasionally active on Twitter. 

Purple Star is not entirely annoying, sometimes it can contain information you might need. However, if you choose not to like this feature, you turn notifications for recommended posts in your push notifications settings on Twitter. 


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Khael Eke

Khael Eke is an experienced writer and blogger in the field of consumer technology with 3 years of hands-on experience. He has been an editor at Techfyba.com from the outset and his focus and key interests are Android, Xiaomi products, Social Media applications, iOS and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Mike's articles will provide you with the practical solutions, knowledge and tools you need to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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