Snapchat Is Locked? How To Unlock Permanently Locked Snapchat Account 2023 (Solved)

How To Unlock Permanently Locked Snapchat Account 2023
How To Unlock Permanently Locked Snapchat Account 2023

This article covers the topic: Snapchat Is Locked? How To Unlock Permanently Locked Snapchat Account 2023. Your Snapchat account got locked for some reason. Violating Snapchat terms of service or community guidelines is one of the many reasons why Snapchat locked your account. 

Snapchat locked your account because you were reported multiple times for using third-party apps and posting sexual content. Promoting conflicts and terrorism are also factors that can lead to an account being locked. 

Sometimes Snapchat can accidentally lock your account temporarily, but there is a way out. In this article, you will learn how to unlock your Snapchat account. 

Why Is Snapchat Account Locked?

Snapchat locked your account because you engaged in some prohibited activities.

Snapchat is temporarily or permanently locked for a number of reasons. Furthermore, you will learn why your Snapchat account is permanently locked. 

  • Sending spam, fraudulent messages.
  • Frequent usage of abusive language.
  • Sexual content.
  • Use of unauthorized third-party apps or plugins
  • Sending many friend requests to other Snapchatters in a short time and before verifying your phone number or email.

If you repeatedly perform the above-mentioned prohibited activities, it can lead to a temporary or permanent ban, depending on the violation. 

Snapchat may lock accounts violating their community guidelines to keep the app fun and safe for all its users. 

Important! Please beware of scammers who offer to unlock Snapchat services. Only you or the Snapchat support team can unlock your account. 

What to Do when your Snapchat account is locked

If you have violated Snapchat community guidelines and terms of service, your Snapchat account will be locked.

Engaging in activities that breach Snapchat code of conduct is one reason that got your account temporarily locked. 

It would help if you did the following when your account is temporarily locked. 

You need to uninstall all third-party apps, plugins, and tweaks if you are using any. This is what you must first do before unlocking your account.

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How To Unlock Permanently Locked Snapchat Account

When your Snapchat account is locked you will see a message that your account is permanently locked, when attempting to log in. 

Before we continue, please note that the chances of unlocking your Snapchat account are slim if it’s permanently locked. 

Login To Snapchat Web

Click here to go the login page on the Snapchat website and enter your login details. 

Unlock My Account

Once you’ve successfully logged in to your Snapchat account, tap Unlock My Account.

How To Unlock Permanently Locked Snapchat Account

On the unlock account page, tap the Unlock button to continue. 

Note! You need to uninstall all third-party apps, plugins and tweaks before hitting the Unlock button.

Once you tap the Unlock button, Snapchat will unlock your account. 

Unlock My Account

If you were not able to successfully unlock your Snapchat account, then you’ll need to wait for 48 hours before you try again. 

How To Unlocked Your Snapchat Because It Was Compromised

You’ll see a message that your account has been compromised on the login page when you attempt to log in.

You need to contact the Snapchat support team by filling out a form. You’ll need to enter your Snapchat details, your username, email and phone number and a brief description of your compromised account. 

To contact Snapchat support, use this form

Important! You can use this form only when your account is compromised. 

How to Submit a Locked Account Appeal

When your Snapchat account is locked, you can submit a locked account appeal directly from the login screen using the app. 

To ensure your appeal was a success, there are things you need to know before submitting an appeal. 

Things you should know before you submit an appeal for a locked account: 

  • Community guidelines violations can be appealed. 
  • When you appeal for your locked account, you and the person who reported your account will be messaged separately. 
  • You can submit an appeal from the login screen when your account is locked.
  • If your appeal is denied, Snapchat will send you an email and then delete your account from their server permanently. 

ALSO READ: How To Make A Public Profile On Snapchat

How To Prevent Your Account From Being Permanently Locked

Do Not Breach Snapchat Community Guidelines and terms of service

You need to avoid posting illegal content, sharing sexually explicit content, promoting violence, and hatred or harassing and cyberbullying someone on Snapchat. 

If you’re found guilty of any of these community guidelines violations, Snapchat will lock your account temporarily or permanently. 

Avoid Sending Spam Messages 

Suspicious activities like fraud, and sending spam messages and links are prohibited from Snapchat. You should not engage in these activities while using the app. 

Also, avoid adding too many random people on Snapchat in a short period of time. 

Avoid using third-party apps, plugins or tweaks. These apps can often violate Snapchat’s terms of service and lead to your account being locked. If you have any third-party plugins installed, you must uninstall them.

Use one device to log into Snapchat 

Snapchat may flag your account for suspicious activity, if you’re frequently logging in and out of your account with multiple devices

Ensure not to post sensitive, offensive or illegal content, this can get your Snapchat account locked. 

Your account is safe if you do not engage in any of the activities mentioned above. 


If your Snapchat account is temporarily locked, you can unlock it. The best way to deal with a permanent lock on your account is to open a new account with another device. 

Also, you can try logging in to your account with a VPN and changing the location. But the chances of getting your permanent account unlocked are not probable. It’s actually not possible.

Ensure you don’t engage in activities that will put your Snapchat account at risk of getting locked. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How many reports does it take to get banned on Snapchat?

The answer is 3! If your Snapchat has been reported twice and you fail to comply, your account will be banned after the third report is made.

Can I get my Snapchat account back if it’s permanently locked?

You can send a request to the Snapchat support team but the chances are very slim. A permanent lock is due to severe and repeated violations of Snapchat terms of service. It’s best if you create a new Snapchat account. 


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Khael Eke

Khael Eke is an experienced writer and blogger in the field of consumer technology with 3 years of hands-on experience. He has been an editor at from the outset and his focus and key interests are Android, Xiaomi products, Social Media applications, iOS and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Mike's articles will provide you with the practical solutions, knowledge and tools you need to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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