What Happens When You Deactivate Snapchat? 

What Happens When You Deactivate Snapchat

In this article, we will give every detail of what will happen when you deactivate Snapchat and when you should reactivate the account back to avoid losing your Snapchat account permanently.

So, this thought came to me to either delete or deactivate my Snapchat account. Then I became curious as to what will happen if I deactivate the account. In this article, we are definitely going to find out. 

Snapchat has been one of the favourite social media platforms for teens since it was launched. Snapchat is a popular platform for sharing snap, videos and messages with friends or sharing fun experiences with new people. 

If you have ever thought of taking a break from all your social media accounts but you don’t know what exactly will happen when you deactivate your Snapchat account.

In this article, we will give every detail of what will happen when you deactivate Snapchat and when you should reactivate the account back to avoid losing your Snapchat account permanently.

Is It Possible To Deactivate Your Snapchat Account?

Yes, you can deactivate your Snapchat account at any time of your choice. 

The only way to deactivate your Snapchat is to delete the account. When you delete your Snapchat, it will still be on the Snapchat server for 30 days. Once this time has elapsed and you didn’t reactivate the account back, your Snapchat account will be permanently deleted after 30 days

Deactivate Your Snapchat Account On the Web

Before you deactivate your Snapchat account, you need to make sure that you still remember your password, and also verify your email

If you enable Snapchat’s Two-Factor authentication, ensure you’re still using the phone number or you have access to the authentication app. 

Also Read:  How To Set Up Two-step Verification In Telegram

You will also need to generate a recovery code in case you lost your phone, phone number or access to the authentication app. 

To deactivate your Snapchat account, click on the link to go to the deactivation page. You need to use a web browser

Enter your Snapchat login information to confirm you want to delete your account. Tap Continue to deactivate your account

What Happens When You Deactivate Snapchat

When you deactivate your Snapchat account, Snapchat will send you a confirmation email. If you don’t want your account to be deleted after 30 days, you must reactivate it before then.

What Happens When You Deactivate Snapchat

Also Read: Why Did Snapchat Delete My Account?

What Happens When You Deactivate Snapchat? 

If you deactivate your Snapchat account, your account will be deactivated for 30 days. 

Your friends will not be able to send you messages, snap, or interact with you for 30 days because your profile will be removed from their friends list.

To avoid losing your Snapchat account, you need to reactivate your Snapchat before the 30 days elapse. Login back just to the account. After 30 days, you’ll lose your account forever. 

You Can’t Use The Account

Unless you login back into your Snapchat account, you won’t be able to use your account, once the account has been deactivated. 

The deactivation is temporary for 30 days. You will lose your account after 30 days if you don’t reactivate or login back to your account. 

On deactivating your Snapchat account, your account will be automatically logged out from the app. To be able to use your account again, you need to login back to the account. 

Can’t Call, Message Or Send Snaps Your Friends 

If you deactivate your Snapchat account, you can’t interact with your friends using the app. To be able to send messages, snaps or call your friends, you need to login back to your Snapchat account. 

You Can’t Use Snapchat Map

If you used Snapmap to know the current location of your friends on Snapchat, you won’t be able to use the Snapmap feature once your account has been deactivated.

Also Read: How To Log Out Other Devices On Instagram Without Changing Password in 2023 

What Happens To Your Messages After You Deactivate Snapchat?

Your messages will be deleted and your conversations with your friends will be removed from their chat screen. 

Your friends will not be able to message you and your profile will disappear from their friend lists. 

Message Deletion For Friends

All the messages you sent to your friends before deactivating your Snapchat account won’t be deleted until the person you sent the message to has seen it. 

If the messages you sent are unread, your friends will still see the messages. The messages will be deleted after 24 hours once it has been read.

If the message is still not opened after 30 days, and you didn’t activate your account within this time. The messages and your account will be permanently deleted from Snapchat. 

Message Deletion For You

The messages sent by your friends after you deactivate your Snapchat account will not be deleted. You will be able to see the messages if you reactivate the account within 30 days.

Snapchat stores messages on its servers for 30 days. If you don’t log back into your account within that time, the messages will be deleted

Messaged deletion on Snapchat depends on your delete chat settings. If you didn’t change the default settings, the messages will be deleted 24 hours after being viewed. 

If the settings are changed after being viewed, the messages will be automatically deleted after you have viewed them. 

Message Deletion For Group 

If everyone in the group read the message, it will be deleted after 24 hours. 

If no one in the group opens a message, Snapchat will automatically delete it after 7 days.

Also Read: How To Delete Instagram Account Permanently 

What Happens To Your Friends When You Deactivate Snapchat?

Snapchat Will Remove Your Profile From Friends List

On deactivating your Snapchat account, your friends won’t be able to see your profile on their friend list. 

Your friends won’t be able to interact with you. Your name won’t appear when your friends search for it. 

You Won’t Be On Your Friends Quick Add List

If you’re on a friend’s contact list, your name won’t appear on your friends quick add list, once you deactivate your account. 

What Happens To The Friend Requests You Sent After You Deactivate Snapchat? 

When you deactivate your Snapchat account, the friend requests you sent will automatically be deleted. The person will not be able to see the requests again.

Usually, Snapchat deletes unresponded friend requests after 48 hours

If you send a friend request to someone and deactivate your Snapchat account, the person will see the request and if the request is neither accepted nor rejected, it will expire after 48 hours. 

What Happens To Friend Requests You Receive After You Deactivate Snapchat?

If you deactivate your Snapchat account and reactivate it back within 48 hours (the expiration limit). You will still be able to see the friend requests. 

Will I Lose My Friends If I Deactivate Snapchat?

No, you won’t lose your friends, but your Snapchat profile will be removed from their friend lists when you deactivate your Snapchat account. 

If you reactivate the account, your profile will be visible to your friends again. 

How To Reactivate Your Snapchat Account

To reactivate your Snapchat account, you need to login back to the account.  

Snapchat is going to ask if you want to reactivate your account? Click Yes. You’ll be asked to wait while Snapchat reactivates your account for you. 

You’ll be asked to enter your Two-factor authentication code if you enable it before deactivating your Snapchat account. Enter the code and hit the continue button.

Also Read: How To Download Your Instagram Data On Mobile And PC 


So many factors are in play when you decide to take a break from social media and deactivate your Snapchat account. 

To avoid losing your saved photos, snaps, stories in Snapchat memories you need to download a copy of your Snapchat information before deactivating your account. 

Leave a comment if you still have some questions in mind. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I Know If Someone Deactivates Their Snapchat Account?

Partially Yes, you need to check your friends lists on Snapchat. If you don’t see the name of the person on your friends list, it’s possible they deactivated their account. 

Other factors might still be in play if you search for their username on Snapchat and it’s not showing. It’s also possible the person blocked you

Does Deactivating Snapchat Deletes Messages?

No, the messages you sent on Snapchat will only be deleted 24 hours after it has been viewed. 

Can I Send a Message To a Deactivated Snapchat Account?

When your account is deactivated, the profile is removed from your friends list and your account is no longer visible when they search for it. This means that you will not be able to send them messages.

If Someone Deactivated Their Snapchat, Can I Still See Their Messages?

Yes, you can only see the messages if you have not viewed them. But if you’ve viewed the messages, they will be deleted after 24 hours. 

If I Deactivate My Snapchat, Does It Delete My Friends?

No, when you deactivate your Snapchat account, it won’t delete your friends, but you will be removed from their friends list on Snapchat. 

Can Anyone See My Account After I Deactivate Snapchat?

No one will be able to see your account after it’s been deactivated. This also includes your friends, they will not be able to see your profile, send messages, snaps, view your stories or call you on Snapchat. 

But there’s one exception if your friend has unread messages from you. The conversation will be deleted once the message is viewed after 24 hours


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Khael Eke

Khael Eke is an experienced writer and blogger in the field of consumer technology with 3 years of hands-on experience. He has been an editor at Techfyba.com from the outset and his focus and key interests are Android, Xiaomi products, Social Media applications, iOS and accessibility as well as consumer technology in general. Mike's articles will provide you with the practical solutions, knowledge and tools you need to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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